How to eat mindfully during holidays

Nine simple tips that will help you avoid gaining weight during the end of the year, but will also allow you to enjoy yourself and have a great time with your loved ones.
Weighing machines do not tell the entire story!
Why Diets Fail?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Have you ever tried to follow a diet and failed miserably? Has it happened only once or many times? Read the following to identify the reasons why diets fail and ways to cope with this. Hunger – Starvation or indiscriminate fasting is NOT dieting. Its punishing, because the body views dieting as a form of […]
Eating Mindfully During Festivals

Fill up on Festivities…..Not your plate!! In today’s fast paced life, eating together is a rarity. So Festivals are a time we gather- as family or friends and share our meal. The chief benefit is the social interaction, which psychologists say is important for mental health. It isn’t just good for your mental health, it […]
How phytoestrogens can help you during Menopause

Phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) are substances that occur naturally in plants. They have a similar chemical structure to our own body’s estrogen (one of the main female hormones), and are able to bind to the same receptors that our own estrogen does. For decades, estrogen was used as a component of hormone replacement therapy to treat […]
How to manage stress naturally

An alarming aspect in the urban life is stress. Psychiatrists say urban lifestyle and the constant pressure to perform is leading many to depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. National Mental Health Survey – 2016 says stress related disorders were 2-3 times more in urban India. In response to stress, our body produces cortisol […]
Manage Urinary Incontinence Naturally

Urinary incontinence (UI) is also known as “loss of bladder control” or “involuntary urinary leakage.” Millions of women experience it, and the frequency of UI tends to increase as you get older. It’s often times a result of stress on the muscles that help hold urine. Hormone changes can affect the muscle strength in the […]
How to manage Uterine Fibroids naturally

Fibroids are abnormal growths in the uterus. Fibroids aren’t cancerous or life threatening, but they can sometimes cause complications and health problems. Almost 80% of women have fibroids. Being Overweight, having someone in the family with fibroids, can increase the risk of Uterine fibroids. They can cause many complications – heavy bleeding, constipation, cramps etc.. In […]
Avoid muscular imbalances to remain pain and injury free

I know many people who do only certain exercises that target specific area of the body. They do this either to improve the body composition of a certain part the body for example the chest or the biceps or the abdominal. They think that exercising those body parts you will help them lose fat from […]
5 Secrets to Boost Bone Health

Dec, 2015, Andamans Mamani had a long desire to visit the Andamans. In Dec 2016 we decided to make a family trip. She was enjoying the hotel stays, visit to Portblair, Havelock, Neil island. She was excited to visit the beaches, the boat rides, exotic meals and road side shopping. She was having a good […]