Why is sugar bad for you?

“I don’t eat too much sugar; I just add a teaspoon in my morning and evening tea”. We hear it everyday from people who come to consult with us. Then we ask them – “Did you know how much sugar common food contains?” And we start by giving them an idea: 2 slices of white […]
Do you have the right mindset ?

“Let me run in the morning to earn some pizza in the evening” “I ate a pizza last night; I will exercise today to burn it off” How commonly have we done it? Very very common. Someone may argue what is wrong with this mindset. Well, this thinking is wrong at two levels – Logical(Scientific) […]
3 remedies for irregular periods

3 Top ways to regulate your periods naturally It is very common for women to miss periods during their reproductive years. Some miss due to natural reasons – Pregnancy and Menopause. Some miss due to medical reasons – hyper thyroidism, PCOS, birth control pills etc. In some irregularity is due to lifestyle related reasons. […]
How to select the RIGHT fitness program

I had chosen to have a family and a career – BOTH. So it was my responsibility to figure out how I could manage work and family while taking care of my health. If I do not have health, I will not be able to bring my 100% to family or career or to anything. […]
4 tips for healthful weight loss without Keto or Intermittent fasting

This started 10 years back. I started noticing that every year I would gain about 1-2 kgs. The weight gain was slowly creeping in. It became an annual phenomenon. As is, I was slightly heavier because I had not completely lost my pregnancy weight. Within a few years I was 6 kgs over my healthy […]
3 options to build lean muscle mass

In the prior post, I explained the importance of muscles. If you have read the prior post and you are reading this now, then I am sure you are convinced that building muscles is important for overall health and wellbeing. You may still be struggling to understand how to build muscles. Do you need to […]
Salman or not – you still need muscles.

The fear of becoming too muscular keeps many people away from doing strength training. Some people just want to remain fit and healthy and do not want to become too muscular. With that fear many men and especially women prefer to run or walk or do aerobic exercises like walking, jogging or cycling. Strength training […]
6 effective ways to deal with exercise related soreness

If you have ever exercised in your life, which I think you would have, if you are reading this article, then I can guarantee you that you have experienced soreness of muscles. For some individuals sore muscles are a reward after a heavy workout. For some it is frustrating as it leads to lower than […]
Common mistakes people make with pushups
Push up is one of my favorite exercises. Push ups build shoulder, arm, chest and core strength and if one lacks strength in any of these muscles, pushups become difficult to do. People also consider the number of pushups they can do as a benchmark of their fitness. Many people struggle with push ups especially […]
Are you over training/exercising?

A good recipe for weight loss is always a combination of diet and exercise. You can not do one without the other and still expect a great result in terms of weight loss and health gain. In general I see most people get very less exercise. This article is for those who are obsessed with […]