
#Hormones101   We had discussed Leptin in last episode. We will talk about ghrelin in this episode.   #3 Ghrelin   Ghrelin is known as a “hunger hormone.” When the stomach is empty, it releases ghrelin, which sends a message to the hypothalamus telling one to eat. Normally, ghrelin levels are highest before eating and […]


#Hormones101 In the previous episode, we discussed about insulin. Here were introduce you to leptin. #2 Leptin Leptin is produced by fat cells and is considered to be a satiety hormone, which reduces appetite and makes one feel full. Leptin tells the brain that there is enough fat stored and no more fat is needed, […]


#Hormones101 #1 – Insulin Insulin is a hormone produced by the beta cells of pancreas. Insulin allows cells to take in blood sugar for energy or storage, depending on what is needed at the time. Insulin is also the main fat storage hormone in the body. It tells fat cells to store fat, and prevents […]

Know Your Hormones

#Hormones101 In this series, Navitae presents to you, a study of hormones and their roles in weight gain and weight loss. Hormone is a chemical that is made by specialist cells, usually within an endocrine gland. The body weight is largely influenced by hormones. Research shows that hormones influence the body weight and how much […]

Spot Gain

So SPOT REDUCTION does not work. But how about SPOT GAIN? Yes! SPOT Gain works!! Before we get deeper into this, the paradigm needs to be set. SPOT REDUCTION – refers to “losing fat” from a certain body part SPOT GAIN – refers to “gaining lean muscle mass” in certain area of your body – […]

What do you think about Spot Reduction?

  Fat in our body is like water stored in a water tank. Thinking one can reduce fat from one part alone is like saying one wants to use water only from the right side of one’s water tank. Fat, just like water stored in the water tank, is stored energy. Wherever your body needs […]

The devil is not in CARBS

CARBS or carbohydrates often get a bad name with respect to weight loss. We hear people say, I have cut down carbs or I don’t take carbs for dinner. Basic science teaches us that Carbohydrates and Fats provide energy as well us aid in other metabolic functions. So Carbohydrates just like Proteins and Fats are […]

What is killing your diet program?

Most of us will admit to cheating when we are on a diet program. Once that happens, a cloud of guilt surrounds us. Neither do we enjoy the experience of eating a food we like, nor do we make any progress towards goal. We feel like we are constantly swimming in the middle of the […]

4 ways to say good bye to back pain – 2 (standing posture)

In the first part of the series, we covered some of the major factors that contribute towards back pain. Standing and sitting posture being one of them. In this part we will cover how to stand with the right posture to avoid back pain: Standing Posture Legs and feet: Stand with weight mostly on the […]

4 ways to say good bye to your back pain – 1

For people in sedentary jobs which require sitting for long hours at their computers, laptops or even long hours of driving, back pain is a very common occurrence. Back pain is annoying, frustrating and restricts us from doing a lot of things. Simply put, back pain can limit us from reaching our potential. Here are […]