WORK LIFE BALANCE is a loaded phrase and it causes STRESS!

Let me cut it straight. There is nothing whatsapped a work life balance or any balance that resides outside our mind and body. Since the existence of mankind, imbalance is a truth. Imbalance is the spark for creativity, innovation, discoveries and inventions. The more we strive for a balance the more we become stressful. My […]
Preventing and managing hypertension

High BP or Hypertension can remain without showing any symptoms for years. Hypertension most commonly affects middle aged men and post menopausal women. So if you are a male above the age of 35 and a female above the age of ~ 50, you must monitor your blood pressure from time to time. Blood pressure […]
How to be fit while traveling

I enjoy traveling for work. I love the smell of freshly brewing coffee greeting me at the airport. I love having a neat, well-organized bathroom and a room to myself. I love to walk on the carpet of the hotel room without having to fear that I will step on to someone’s clothes strewn on […]
Bored of exercising?

7 ways to keep yourself motivated: A common person knows the benefits of exercising on health, overall well-being and happiness. However, there are only few who continue the focus and discipline day after day, month after month and year after year. Most people are not able to. Following are few of the ways consistently fit […]
Are you sleeping enough? | Sleep benefits, tips & guidelines

“Sleep may be more essential to us than food; animals will die of sleep deprivation before starvation.” Minimum of 7 hours of night sleep is recommended for adults. Many of us are not getting enough of it. Melatonin hormone secreted from the pineal gland helps to regulate our sleep and wake cycles in sync with […]