Get relief from PMS – Pre Menstrual Syndrome

Some women suffer from terrible Pre Menstrual Syndrome also known as PMS. PMS includes cramps, tenderness, bloating, mood swings, loss of focus. It’s a very trying time for many women who have to go through this. In some women it is severe enough to render them non-functional. PMS typically starts a week or two before […]

3 Top Mistakes Women above 40 are making

We hit menopause around 50 years of age. We know how our body changes with menopause but we wait until it hits us to take action. We know we are at risk of losing bone mineral density which will eventually lead to osteoporosis, cardio vascular diseases, breast cancer, growing waistline, emotional turmoil yet we think […]

3 must TO DO things for women above 40

We hit menopause around 50 years of age. We know how our body changes with menopause but we wait until it hits us to take action. We know we are at risk of losing bone mineral density which will eventually lead to osteoporosis, cardio vascular diseases, breast cancer, growing waistline, emotional turmoil yet we think […]

How to manage a healthy weight gain during pregnancy

Healthy weight gain during pregnancy is normal and necessary for a healthy pregnancy. However, excessive weight gain during pregnancy increases health risks for mothers and the unborn child. A recent study published on 7th Sep, 2020 shows that high prevalence of obesity during, after was observed in over 30 districts in multiple states. Dr. Hema Divekar, […]

Periods and Exercising

Periods are difficult for many women. Cramps, nausea, fatigue, tiredness, bloated feeling, heavy bleeding makes 3-5 days every month very difficult. Almost 5-10% of women across the world face severe pain and close to 80% face discomfort of varied nature. During this temporary and unwelcome disruption often times I am asked if it is ok […]

4 ways to manage peri-menopause to menopause

Often women pass a drab comment on getting freedom from the monthly shackles of menstrual cycle. It’s not surprising as the hassles of monthly periods are many – freak accidents, cramps, discomfort, bloating and sometimes the fatigue. And who enjoys getting it every month like a clockwork? However, regular and normal periods is an indicator […]

Why women struggle with weight loss

Once my doctor joked “At 10 you were one dimensional, at 20 you are 2 dimensional and by 30 you will be 3 dimensional.” While it is true for both men and women, women find it increasingly difficult to lose weight after 30. Before we start discussing why it is a challenge, let us first […]

Making fitness accessible

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The urban Indian is waking up to the growing health concerns and is trying to get fit. This demand is being matched by the fitness industry. This is an exciting trend for everyone in the fitness industry. The fitness centre business is also seeing a growth, thanks to this trend. And often times, “fitness gets […]

Press reset at 40

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]40s is a difficult age for women – growing children, ageing parents and a career to take care of. And our physiological clocks keep ticking, we are continuously losing muscle mass, strength stamina, endurance and balance. And these are the inching years towards menopause as well. Women are doing many things wrong which makes a […]

Wings to fly

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As a child, I admired the glossy images of working women in magazines – well groomed, well dressed, authoritative, in control and I so dreamt to be one of them. Took me 2 childbirths and 15 years of corporate career to realise that those images were all truncated. None of the pictures really conveyed the […]