Making fitness accessible

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The urban Indian is waking up to the growing health concerns and is trying to get fit. This demand is being matched by the fitness industry. This is an exciting trend for everyone in the fitness industry. The fitness centre business is also seeing a growth, thanks to this trend.

And often times, “fitness gets equated to the number of times one can hit the gym.”

However, in a recent study that was conducted, fitness center memberships are experiencing problems due to lack of parking space, quality of equipment and lack of maintenance.

A recent study by Gympik shows that 52% people “do not find time to exercise”. I wouldn’t be surprised if I co-relate this data to working professionals high on career, working professionals who travel frequently, young mothers and working women – that is a sizeable population! Add to that the travel time unless one has a gym at home or has one within few minutes of walking distance.

Visions of puffed pecs and huge biceps, mammoth machines, mirrors all around bringing focus to our bodies with comparison to those fitness models – to be honest is intimidating and to a large extent a de-motivator to visit fitness centres. I have felt it; many others feel it as well. Recently, a 58-year-old client shared the experience of his visit to a fitness centre. One trip and he was convinced, the fitness centres caters to population in the age group of 20 – 35 who are primarily focused on looks.

Hence a poignant question arises, the 52% of the people who do not have time and the people who are trying to remain fit to avoid lifestyle related diseases, deal with stress and strike a balance between personal and professional lives, what is the answer for them, if not Gym.

I recommend natural and accessible solutions for this group. One need not be slave to equipment for remaining fit. A flexible, private yet independent form of exercising is the way to go. All my workshops delivered for working professionals and women underline this principal.

Refer here for types of fitness. For cardiovascular health, one can utilise outdoor running spaces with good shock absorbing shoes. Outdoor yoga is also trending for flexibility.

On the average Indians are carrying around 60 kgs of their bodyweight around. For strength, we can use body weight to get stronger – they can be done anywhere, anytime – open parks, privacy of homes, hotel rooms while travelling. In comparison to free weights such as dumbbells and barbells, exercising using body weight is safe, keeps one injury free and hence can be done on our own with minimal supervision once we learn the proper techniques. This also reduces our cost to hire a personal trainer on a daily basis. For a demo of exercises that can be safely performed at home while strengthening the full body, watch this video.

What has been your fitness solution? – Would like to hear.



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