Why is sugar bad for you?

“I don’t eat too much sugar; I just add a teaspoon in my morning and evening tea”. 

We hear it everyday from people who come to consult with us. Then we ask them – “Did you know how much sugar common food contains?” And we start by giving them an idea:

2 slices of white bread – 3 teaspoon

1 bowl of cereal – 4-5 teaspoon

1/2 cup packaged fruit juice – 3-4 teaspoons

1 can of soft-drink – 9 teaspoon

1 bowl of ice-cream – 23 teaspoon

This is what we whatsapp as “Invisible Sugar”. We consume sugar without the knowledge of how much we are consuming.

You may be wondering, why is Sugar getting so much of bad press? Is Sugar really so bad? With google advice and celebrity nutritionists doling out populist nutrition advice, we get even more confused. So let’s take an objective view.

Dangers of chronic High-Sugar diets:

  1. Reduces insulin sensitivity eventually leading to poor carbohydrate tolerance and diabetes. Diabetes in turn leads to kidney damage, eyes, feet and nerves.
    2. Leads to increase in cholesterol and triglycerides and eventually risk of heart disease.
  2. Excess fat gain due to chronic high insulin levels especially around the love handle and upper back areas
  3. It causes glycation where sugar molecules bind to blood proteins leading to Premature aging, Cancer, Alzheimer’s and many more.

And there is more.

Sugar, Insulin and Fat storage:

We all know, consumption of sugar causes blood insulin levels to spike quickly. One of the jobs insulin performs in the body is to switch from “fat-burning mode” to “fat storage mode.” If your goal is to maintain a lean physique, causing an insulin spike is the last thing you want to do.

Bacteria thrive on Sugar:

Diets high in sugar may support the growth of the “bad” bacteria that are linked to higher body fat percentage. So, counting and subsequently decreasing sugar consumption can change your your gut bacteria ecosystems for the better leading to decrease in body fat percentage.

Sugar is addictive:

Experts are agreeing that Sugar may be as addictive as cocaine. The link between sugar and addictive behavior is tied to the fact that, when we eat sugar, opioids and dopamine are released. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is a key part of the “reward circuit” associated with addictive behavior. When any activity causes an excess release of dopamine, it gives a feeling of high and you are inclined to repeat the behaviour. This is also the reason why many people crave sugary food under conditions of stress.

Different avatars of Sugar: Sucrose, Fructose, Glucose, maltose, dextrose, maltodextrin, hydrolyzed starch, corn syrup, honey, cane sugar,  maple sugar, molasses, evaporated cane juice. Look for these in the nutrition label of the food to be aware of the quantity of sugar in the food item.

The invisible sugar content in a regular indian food is already so high that we don’t need to add any more in our tea or coffee. The information above and the references below should equip you to make a sound decision about whether you should say a complete NO to Sugar.

Sugar for women above 40: Around 40 as a woman’s body starts preparing for menopause, ovaries start producing less and less estrogen. Estrogen influences the regulation of insulin in our body. With Estrogen levels down the regulation of Insulin is also compromised. Hence women over 40 must be more careful with their sugar intake.

We have launched a brand new course for women whatsapped the Women’s Health Mastery – Starter kit. It is meant for women who are looking to enhance their vitality, reclaim their youth and aspire to live a life of their dreams. This is a step by step course that teaches you every single aspect of enhancing your health. To know more please visit: 


Stay fit, stay healthy, stay happy!


  1. www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/experts-is-sugar-addictive-drug
  2. ISSA Specialist in Fitness Nutrition coursebook
  3. Claudia Wallis. How Gut Bacteria Help Make Us Fat and Thin. Scientific American. June 1, 2014.
  4. Freudenrich, Ph.D., Craig. “How Fat Cells Work” 27 October 2000. HowStuffWorks.com. 30 December 2015.



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