Spot Gain

So SPOT REDUCTION does not work. But how about SPOT GAIN?

Yes! SPOT Gain works!!

Before we get deeper into this, the paradigm needs to be set.
SPOT REDUCTION – refers to “losing fat” from a certain body part
SPOT GAIN – refers to “gaining lean muscle mass” in certain area of your body – arms, chest, thighs, calves etc.

Muscles are different from fat. When it comes to burning fat for fuel, it can go from anywhere in the body because it is all spread out across your body. Your genetic predisposition dictates where you will lose it first from.

Muscles are individual in nature. If you wish to build muscle, you will need to load that muscle for hypertrophy. That simply means strength training which target specific muscles or muscle groups. This is where we start talking about compound vs isolation exercises.

“Compound exercise” is self defining – these exercises move multiple joints with one movement – ex Squat, Pushup, Pullup. More than one muscle group is recruited for the movement. Result – you burn more calories in lesser time. These exercises serve well when one’s goal is fatloss.

Isolation exercise targets only one joint. One muscle group is recruited in performing this exercise ex. bicep curl, leg curl, calf raises. Result – targeted muscular hypertrophy but burn lesser calories. For hypertrophy, use a weight that will allow you to do 6-12 reps through 3 – 6 sets.

How would you apply this information? If you carry more than 30% of body fat, start with a goal of fatloss with quantitative nutrition and compound exercises. Once you have reduced your body fat percentage add isolation exercises in the mix to get the muscular definition.

Why not isolation exercises followed by compound? Because no matter how much you work your biceps, if you have a thick layer of fat, the muscle will never be visible.

Stay fit, Stay healthy, stay happy!


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