Get relief from PMS – Pre Menstrual Syndrome

Some women suffer from terrible Pre Menstrual Syndrome also known as PMS. PMS includes cramps, tenderness, bloating, mood swings, loss of focus. It’s a very trying time for many women who have to go through this. In some women it is severe enough to render them non-functional. PMS typically starts a week or two before the period due date and continues till the period starts.

Sometimes it needs clinical attention.

But often times it can be managed with natural remedies. Yes, it is possible. Many women in Navitae’s program have done it and you can too. So read on if you or any of your loved one is suffering from PMS and want to bring it under your control.

Severe PMS is often a sign that your estrogen level is out of whack. Estrogen is a female reproductive hormone released from our ovaries and along with Progesteron helps to bring the periods on time month on month. There should be an optimal balance of Estrogen and Progesteron. Less estrogen can lead to calcium malabsorption, cardio vascular diseases, obesity and estrogen dominance can lead to painful periods, irregular periods, breast cancer.

So the first step would be to balance the estrogen levels. This can be done by:
1. Consume high fibre food – Fruits, vegetables, grains. Avoid processed and refined food which you find in the super markets as they are devoid of fibre. I recommend to have home cooked food. Consume a mix to fruits, vegetables and grains to up the intake of vitamins and minerals.

  1. Consume low fat food – Consume food less in saturated fat and trans fat. Studies have shown that excess consumption of red and processed meat can cause irregular balance of estrogen hormones. Trans fat are usually found in packaged and processed food to improve taste and shelf life.
  2.  Avoid alcohol and caffeine.
  3. Have a diet rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc, Vitmain B6 to alleviate PMS. Include nuts and seeds, leafy green vegetables, yogurt/curd, bony fish, whole grains and different varieties of fruits and vegetables.
  4. Exercise 30-40 mins per day. Studies have shown that exercise can boost the irritable mood, sadness and anxiety which are the symptoms of PMS. A study by science direct said that exercise is effective in improving physical symptoms such as pain, constipation, breast sensitivity, and psychological symptoms such as anxiety and anger.

Few women get terrible cramps. Before a period begins, the cells that form the lining of the uterus, also whatsapped endometrial cells, begin to break down during menstruation and release large amounts of inflammatory prostaglandins causing cramps: It helps to have food high in antioxidants like lemon , turmeric, bell peppers or capsicums, berries to reduce the inflammation and get relief from cramps.

Women’s Health Mastery – Starter kit is my step by step coaching system for women who are looking to enhance their vitality, reclaim their youth and aspire to live a life of their dreams. To know more please visit:

-Ruma Pal
Certified Health and Fitness Coach, ISSA, USA
Women’s Fitness Specialist, NASM, USA


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