How should your teenager train?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s normal. Your teenager is not as bothered about health, low blood pressure, low sugar levels, cardiac health as much as you are. They are more bothered about how they look and how attractive their friends find them. They are looking for that acceptance in their friends’ circle. Study shows positive body image increases self esteem in people across all age groups – this group is no exception.

It’s encouraging to see teenagers exercise but often time I see them exercising (read lifting weight) dangerously or doing exercises that are not effective.

Adolescent boys want to pack on muscles and adolescent girls want to look thin. Boys end up in the weight lifting section lifting dangerous amount of weights and girls end up in the aerobic section spending tireless amount of time doing aerobic exercises. Doing so increases the risk of injury in boys and lack of bone and muscular strength in girls. So how should teenagers train?

Girls and boys will benefit from participating in variety of sports. Sports is the best form of exercise for this group. Studies have shown that exercise in form of sport increases blood flow to the brain and helps the body build more connections between nerves, leading to increased concentration, enhanced memory, stimulated creativity, and better-developed problem – solving skills. The rush of hormones keeps them happy and stress free.

Girls in addition to aerobics must participate in strength building exercises. Strength building should always be complimented with warm up pre-exercising and stretches post exercising.

Boys, before they start lifting heavy weight, should start managing their own bodyweight which on the average is about 40-45 Kgs. Free weights – dumbbells/barbells shift the center of gravity of the body, sometimes outside of the body, which puts teenagers in increased risk of injury. Often times, kids compromise on posture just so that they can lift that weight off the ground, in turn risking themselves even more. Before they consider lifting free weights, they must start with building a strong foundation and a sense of balancing their body. This can be achieved by some foundational exercises like : Plank, Wall Squats, Stick ups, Squats, Lunges, Pushups, plain hangs, Bird dog etc.. Please ensure they are supervised for posture while exercising.

A fit teenager builds a fit nation! “May the force be with them”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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