How to manage stress naturally

An alarming aspect in the urban life is stress. Psychiatrists say urban lifestyle and the constant pressure to perform is leading many to depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. National Mental Health Survey – 2016 says stress related disorders were 2-3 times more in urban India.

In response to stress, our body produces cortisol hormone. This is good because it helps us to deal with extraordinary situations but persistent periods of stress, keep the cortisol levels high and it in turn causes – Diabetes, Hypertension, abdominal weight gain, Obesity and cardio vascular diseases.

Many people think only managers, spouses and children can cause stress. Before you start blaming someone else, let me tell you .. what you eat, inadequate sleep, alcohol, excessive caffeine and smoke raises cortisol levels.

What can lead to increased cortisol levels

  1. Inadequate sleep
  2. Alcohol
  3. Caffeine
  4. Smoke

Here’s what you can do to manage stress naturally:

  1. Sleep 7-8 hours every day.
  2. Reduce caffeine and alcohol as they can impair with sleep.
  3. Exercise regularly to generate happy hormones.
  4. Get under the sun. Sun can help with enhancing mood and regulating sleep thereby reducing stress.
  5. Take up hobbies that give you pleasure.
  6. Meditate and do breathing exercises. There are guided meditation apps like calm that can help.

Stay fit, stay healthy, stay happy!

Women’s Health Mastery – Starter kit is my step by step coaching system for women who are looking to enhance their vitality, reclaim their youth and aspire to live a life of their dreams. To know more please visit:

-Ruma Pal
Certified Health and Fitness Coach, ISSA, USA
Women’s Fitness Specialist, NASM, USA


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