Neuropeptide Y


In the last episode, we spoke about Estrogen. Here we introduce :

#6 Neuropeptide Y (NPY)

Neuropeptide Y is a hormone produced by cells in the brain and nervous system. It stimulates appetite, particularly for carbohydrates, and is highest during periods of fasting or food deprivation.

Levels of neuropeptide Y are elevated during times of stress, which can lead to overeating and abdominal fat gain.

Steps to obtain optimal functioning of NPY are as follows :

#1 Eat enough protein like tofu, egg whites, paneer.

#2 Don’t fast for too long

#3 Eat plenty of soluble fibre like oats, barley, brussels sprout, broccoli etc.

Which hormone gives you a feeling of satiety?
Which hormone helps you in your weight loss journey?

To know more, stay tuned..


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