[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]So you have Resolved for a life of health and fitness. You have Investigated all the resources available to help you in this journey. Now is the time to take action. With competing responsibilities of home, children, work, planning is imperative else you face the risk of putting your health and fitness on the back burner.
Picture this – You wake up in the morning with a nagging question. What do we cook today? What is for kids lunch boxes today. As you toss in bed tediously mulling over this, cook walks in. While you shake the kids out of bed and usher them into bathrooms, cook is breathing over you and demanding to know what needs to be cooked. You give one more reminder to whoever is in the bathroom, hurry to the kitchen, open the refrigerator to bring out the veggies and realize you are out of stock! Meanwhile, you remember kids are getting late and will miss their bus today as well but they are happily in the bathroom probably deep asleep under the shower. You rush back to the bathrooms for the next round of reminders and the cook starts flaming hotter than the oven. In situations like this your creativity is tested.
As working parents, having a meal chart for the week was our biggest saviour. We would use this chart to stock vegetables, fruits, meat, groceries over the weekend. Cook would refer to this and I got a break from mindless creativity each morning. I could now use this time to go for my workout.
Careful planning is essential for a fit and healthy life.
My recommendation would be to have a MS Excel template for your meal chart that you can quickly update each week. It should have 5 columns at least – for 3 meals and 2 snacks – 1 mid morning snack and 1 mid afternoon snack. It should have 7 rows, one for each day of the week. With each box now for a one time meal, fill it with a balanced diet including carbohydrate, Protein and Fat. Be sure to include fibrous food and fruits. It will take a formidable effort the first time, but you will thank me every consecutive time you update it. You will see that only 20% changes week on week.
Stick it on your refrigerator where everyone can see.
Create a workout schedule. It could be as simple as – Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6 AM – 7 AM – Jogging/Yoga/Swimming/Cycling etc.. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 6 PM – 7 PM – Karate/Zumba/strength training. Just 2 simple lines. Stick this on the refrigerator as well. You may experience family members taking status check on your daily workout.
Intentional planning is needed when you travel. Body weight exercises, Yoga, Pranayama do not have equipment dependence. Jump rope and exercise bands are cheap, portable and take minimal space in your luggage. Consider travelling with these. Food schedule and nutrition quality takes a hit when you travel. You could package some nuts, muesli from home to have as snack and if time permits visit a local store for some fruits and yogurt. These can anytime serve as a healthy snack.
You have all that you need to know. Now EXECUTE! All the very best.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]