U Inspire – Aparna Rao Basu | Navitae Customer Reviews

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I am Aparna.. wife, mother,working professional ( how good is debatable) but do try my best to be a good person- true to myself- most times

Being an Indian Army officer’s daughter being fit and active was a part of life as a child -was a sportsperson throughout school and college- truly enjoyed running , swimming and dancing.
As a young mother , my children and I always swam together every evening – it helped not only in fitness but also to bond as a family. I distinctly remember ever so often, I would play music and the kids and I would be dancing together.
But somewhere along the way, with the kids growing up and as my job got more challenging, I let the long hours and hectic life get in my way of a disciplined exercise regimen- I also never felt the need as I hadn’t put on weight, didn’t have any health problems and was generally energetic.
The early forties were fraught with all the excuses we normally give to avoid exercising and a getting into a healthy lifestyle.

I suddenly noticed the weight piling on, less energy to do things, generally lethargic and the only time I would be active was at work. Being at home meant lazing around watching tv and doing nothing much. As the weight piled on clothes which I normally wore stopped fitting, when I met people who hadn’t seen me in a while would exclaim in shock and admonish me for the weight I had put on. The real bummer was that I had stopped any form of exercise or even activities I otherwise loved doing. I realised I had started to avoid meeting people I previously knew fearing they would comment on my weight- a pretty dark place to be in.

Around seven months back, my son got engaged – we were ecstatic-and I remember my daughter telling me that I needed to lose weight and get fit for the wedding. Excuses like work, since I am tall – can carry off the weight didn’t fly- I also noticed I would get extremely tired at work – there were times when I would feel acute body and headaches- got my eyes tested- it was all fine. As a part of an executive health check up I decided to have some vital tests done- I was in for a huge shock- all that could go wrong -reflected in my report-the time had come for me to make some lifestyle changes.

It was just at that time that I happened to be introduced to Ruma-was impressed by her fitness levels as well as passion for helping people to make the change- was very sceptical in the beginning when she told me I could turnaround my life by making the right exercise and diet choices- but thought there was no harm in trying.

There has been no looking back from that wonderful day in mid February – have followed Ruma’s customised and healthy diet recommendations ( cheat days have been there) , exercised as per the schedule on the Navitae app- it’s been fun – backbreaking / hard work but great fun and worth every effort.

What I love about my diet and regimen is that it is customised for me..Ruma is easily reachable, you don’t need a gym or complicated equipment and moreover you can do it in your time-in the last three months , I have lost almost 16 kgs- it’s incredible- I have tons of energy and my health has vastly improved. I am also happy to be rid of some unhealthy eating habits .. drinking five cups of tea loaded with sugar .. am careful now but do enjoy the days that I indulge

In the end I think it’s about making the right choices and being guided by the right people- Ruma has been an inspirational guide and mentor in my fitness journey.



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