What is it that helps an ideal weight loss plan?

What is it that helps an ideal weight loss plan?

The right diet alongwith the correct exercises, combined with a list of beneficial supplements.However,the quantity and type of supplements vary from person to person. The only absolute recommendation for a person trying to lose weight, is to take antioxidants.

The role of antioxidants in weight loss :

Antioxidants are essential for protecting the body during weight loss. Toxic chemicals which are stored alongwith fat cells will be released during weight loss phase. The body is protected from damage of mercury, dioxin and other neurotoxins by putting these toxins in fat cells. Once released, these chemicals can cause damage to many tissues in the body. In order to help detoxify these damaging substances, the body requires antioxidants.

Do you wanna know more about the supplements that can help in weight reduction? Here it goes :

Fiber : Fiber provides a sense of fullness and balances energy levels. This is especially beneficial for those on a low carb diet. Ideal sources are flax seeds, oat bran etc.

Vitamin C : Needed for weight loss detoxification and formation of thyroid hormone. It also aids in formation of Carnitine, which helps in burning fat. This is abundantly found in citrus fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and capsicum.

Zinc : Zinc sensitises tissues to the effects of insulin thereby helps to minimise cravings. It also helps insulin to burn sugar and grow lean muscle, both of which help weight loss. Legumes, beans, nuts, dairy products are sources of zinc.

Selenium : Selenium helps in detoxification and activation of thyroid hormone, which in turn aids weight loss. Sources of selenium are egg yoke, brazil nuts, chicken, ham etc

Healthy fats : A lack of the right fats will keep you from burning calories. Avocado, flaxseed oil, ghee, cod liver oil and coconut oil are good sources of healthy fats.

Are timings important for taking the supplements? Do you wanna know more? Stay tuned to this space for information on the right timings for having the supplements.

It is recommended to consult a physician or certified nutritionist before having the above mentioned supplements.

Stay fit, Stay healthy, Stay happy !!


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